The download library has all the manuals, programs and other files that you may need to get your website up and running.
Centova Cast Client Reference Manual
This is the client’s reference manual for Centova Cast, the leading Internet radio stream hosting solution. This manual provides detailed reference information for the features and capabilities of the Centova Cast v3.x client area. For more generalized operating instructions, please consult the Usage Guide instead.
Filesize: 191 kB Centovacast User Guide
This is the client’s usage guide for Centova Cast, the leading Internet radio stream hosting solution. This manual provides general operating instructions and usage information for the Centova Cast v3.x client area. For detailed reference information regarding the features and capabilities of Centova Cast, please consult the Reference Manual instead.
Filesize: 107 kB
This is the client’s reference manual for Centova Cast, the leading Internet radio stream hosting solution. This manual provides detailed reference information for the features and capabilities of the Centova Cast v3.x client area. For more generalized operating instructions, please consult the Usage Guide instead.
Filesize: 191 kB Centovacast User Guide
This is the client’s usage guide for Centova Cast, the leading Internet radio stream hosting solution. This manual provides general operating instructions and usage information for the Centova Cast v3.x client area. For detailed reference information regarding the features and capabilities of Centova Cast, please consult the Reference Manual instead.
Filesize: 107 kB